Type WorkshopThis website is a companion to ongoing workshops conducted by Underware. The Type-Basics section of the site contains many informative type design lessons and diagrams.TypophileOne of the largest type design communities on the internet, populated by opinionated amateurs and professional type designers alike. Forums, blogs, wikis, etc.Thinking With TypeThis companion website to Ellen Lupton’s indispensible handbook overflows with resources, recommendations, essays, syllabi, and even interactive type games.TypographicaTypeface reviews and recommendations, book reviews, and commentary related to type design. Their annual Favorite Typefaces feature is a must-read.FlickrThe photo and image sharing site Flickr has hundreds of relevant groups such as Typography and Lettering, I Love Old Signs!, Letterpress and many more.Microsoft TypographyThis repository of detailed technical resources for screen type design includes fonts, toolkits, and specifications for developers of OpenType fonts.Type RadioTypographic podcast featuring audio, performances, and interviews with type designers, letterers, and graphic designers.FontLabDevelopers of the most widely used digital type design software including FontLab Studio, Fontographer, and TypeTool.Type and LetteringKen Barber’s frequently updated blog is always loaded with great samples of custom lettering and type.Type Directors ClubThis international typography organization is best known for their annual type competition and book.TypeConThe largest North American typography conference. (Yes, such a thing exists!)ATypIMajor international typography organization and sponsor of the annual ATypI conference.I Love TypographyA popular blog focusing on type and lettering. Also check out their typedaily.com aggregator.British LibrarySearch and view high resolution images of many of the BL’s beautiful hand-written medieval manuscripts.We Love TypographyA repository of interesting type and lettering images from around the web.FFFFOUND!Another image bookmarking site with a ton of great contemporary lettering and type projects.HelveticaA documentary film examining this ubiquitous typeface (actually interesting for non-type-nerds).Metal Band LogosThis site profiles ten obtuse metal band logos. Explore through Google to see hundreds more.